Bahrain Seef office rent. The total office size is 150 and 300 square meters. This office has cabins | a server room | toilets and a pantry. Also, there is a main reception on the ground floor for visitors to wait.
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Of course, it is a ready office space to move to Seef. Both offices have cabins | a hall | a reception and a server area. Also, there are toilets and a pantry as well.
The 150 Sqm office has four cabins | three toilets and a pantry.
Whereas, the large office for rent is 300 sq. meters. This office has five cabins | 6 toilets and two pantries as well. Besides, this large office space is on the full floor. Therefore, there is good privacy.
The above two offices are in one tower. This tower is in the middle area at Seef. The lowest rent is Bahrain Dinar 5/- per SQM per month.
That is to say, that the rent for 150 Sq. Meters office is BHD 750/- per month.
Rent for a 300 SQM office is BHD 1400/- per month.
In conclusion, these office spaces are a good choice for international companies. It is a standard commercial tower in Seef. Also, it is a landmark commercial tower as well.
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